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December 10, 2003



"Also, I could have sworn America's colors were red, white and blue. There's no yellow anywhere, traitor."

Bwahahahaaa! Definitely not nice, but amusing nonetheless.

So, did you test? I hope things turn out the way you would like them to.


Ooh! I'm glad someone checked out that site. It's hysterical. I especially liked this comment: "That's interesting, everyone in this picture is white. Even the rainbow is white. Perhaps in an ideal world, everyone would be white isn't that right, Rachel? Or should I call you RACIST? Nice try, Hitler." LOL!


I can't believe I just laughed so hard at that!


I cracked up too!

Sooooo............did you test?


Nah. I'm asymptomatic, so I guess my dreams only work when they're about other people!


Have you had any dreams about ME? We're hoping I O'd on Thurs or Fri of last week. If so we'll find out on CHRISTMAS DAY if I'm pregnant or not. Kinda hoping I am.....kinda scared to death.


Ooh! That would be a nifty Christmas present. Plus, you and Melis would be pregnant together again. Good luck with your testing.


No testing for me.......that witch Flo showed a week early. My body is all screwed up.......35 day cycle last month, exactly 28 days this month. OY!


Maybe next month! I'm sure you and J won't give up trying.

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