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July 16, 2004



Paul Simon song?


Yes, Katy! It was on our wedding CD :-)


so sorry you had to go through all of that! sounds like you guys are okay...can't wait to meet the next member of your family.
take care, pache


Sometimes I wonder if all the technological advances surrounding pregnancy are worth it given the statistical uncertainty surrounding it all. Hope you will be able to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy in peace and happiness!


If I recall correctly, there are 7-8 markers for Down Syndrome. Having 2 soft markers means your odds are excellent that all is fine. My friend had the same 2 soft markers and had a perfectly healthy baby boy just last month. Hey, there are no guarantees, but hopefully it's at least comforting knowing the odds are with you. I'll keep your little bean in my prayers, Sandie.


Those sound like pretty great odds to me- it stinks that you had to go through all the statistical junk, but it seems like overall the news is reassuring. I can't believe you're already more than halfway there!


Thanks ladies. I totally agree that the technology can sometimes make things worse. I think a great deal has to do with malpractice and CYA. I am just glad that the markers were "weak" and that the baby is OK.


Sandie, I am so glad your baby is healthy!


Modern technology has brought a down side to our lives, causing needless worry sometimes. Blessings on you Sandie and your sweet baby.YFGH

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