The Schmoop has asthma. It's the kind of asthma that truly debilitates him. He is playing soccer and suddenly feels tightness in his chest. We're walking briskly around Manhattan to buy Christmas gifts, and he complains he can't "breathe too well." We've gotten to the point where we panic if we haven't packed the inhaler and mask in the diaper bag. What a terrible inheritance I've passed along.
Right now, he's hunkered down on the couch watching "Hercules" on the Disney Channel while I try to work from home and monitor his progress and medication. E had a particularly bad episode on Sunday, and yesterday his pediatrician told me if we were almost any other family (he knows us very well), he'd have the Schmoop admitted. After an all-day trip to the pediatrician's office and then the pharmacy, we finally got home and E went straight to sleep. Today he's slightly less sleepy and weepy, but he's still uninterested in doing anything but resting on the sofa. Poor little fellow. I hope he gets back to his cheery, playful self soon.
Do any of you have children with chronic conditions? How do your child handle it? How do you?
omg sandie, i had no idea that he had asthma... i don't know how i missed that. i'm sorry. it sounds like you really totally have your hands full now.
Posted by: linda_loo | December 14, 2006 at 09:20 PM
My son and hubby have asthma too. It's really difficult when both of them are sick. My son hates the inhaler so it was always such a hassle to give it to him. Last year I got this juice called Xango for them. I'd heard a couple of other mothers talking about it, so I thought I'd give it a try. Didn't think it would work after reading about all the other natural juices out there, but it did. They haven't had to use their inhalers for about 11mos now. One less thing to worry about!! You might want to give it a try. Here's the site:
Posted by: Sukh | February 02, 2007 at 04:41 PM