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February 25, 2011


Wife and Mommy

That Schmoopette...she's a smart one.
I love that she said that.
And I love that you all purposefully chose to find a culturally heterogeneous community.


LOVE it! You match on the inside. I like kids.

I like that my kids' school is very diverse also. After growing up in a very homogeneous culture, I love that my kids don't.

Christi L.

I think this is truer every generation. Our generation was much less divided than the previous and more so for our children. We live in a pretty homogenous environment by most standards, but my kids don't notice race either. We have several friends close and far away that have adopted interracially, and none of the kids around us have ever noticed a difference in anyway. I love that.


I also love the multicultural environment of our neighborhood and school. So far, my kids see color -- in a totally descriptive, Craylola-type way -- but they don't see race. It's heart-warming, and it will be interesting to watch how their understanding evolves.

Eco Kids

Happy to see u again!!Ur babies are precious gifts...Beautiful, and so refreshing to see something so different in direction from the typical shoot like this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bDNMuA795U I wish you lived closer so I could get an autographed copy:):):)


Now I feel stupid. That's caelred it up for me

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