At the PBS Annual Meeting I was lucky enough to attend last month, the genius keynote speaker discussed how greatness is the marriage of fanatical discipline and amazing creativity. As I sat there realizing why one of my former employers was no longer relevant, I also recognized why this blog isn't a very good reflection of what I intended it to be in 2003 when I started it.
I have not been disciplined in keeping up with this blog. It has not been a priority. And it's a shame too, because considering when I started this blog, I could've done something spectacular with it had I really given it the time and energy so many of my friends do with their blogs.
Instead, I tend to blog on a monthly (if that) basis to a handful of readers who follow along because they've added me to Google Reader and are surprised I actually posted. There's no engagement, because there's no consistency. I'm too busy waxing poetic about attractive actors or reviewing the latest family movie or declaring my undying love for a literary character to focus on what's supposed to be my most personal outlet. As my 10-year-old son would say, that's crazypants of me.
I want this space, and I don't want it to languish into complete irrelevance. Perhaps it already has, but if a flagging corporation can attempt one final grasp for meaning, I can too. So from now on, I will be dedicating myself to my own thoughts and pointing you in the direction of some of my other work on a more regular basis.
I will tell you about the heartbreaking (grown up!) novel that I read (thank you From Left to Write), and becoming a swim team mom. I will share the sorrow of my son's first dealings with insults from a "friend" and the joy of my daughter's dance recital. It won't be every day -- it will never be every day -- but it will be more, because I have more to say. I hope you find it worth reading.